By Jim Wong, CPA | October 7, 2013

Interviews can be stressful. You want to come across as friendly and trustworthy, while explaining how you are a perfect fit for the job and company, but not sound egotistical. That is a lot of pressure and it’s no wonder nerves and confidence become an issue.

Take a look at these interviewing statistics from an infographic compiled by Interview Success Formula:

  • The average interview is 40 minutes.
  • The average phone interview is 30 minutes.
  • Sixty percent of managers conduct video interviews.

The infographic also illustrates how job seekers can succeed in the interviewing process. How? By knowing and preparing for the different types of interviews and interviewers.

Be Prepared for Different Types of Interviews
There are a number of types of interviews hiring managers can conduct, including behavioral and group to phone and video. It’s important to, review the different interview types along with tips on how to be effective. Here are four common types of interviews:

  • If the interview is in-person, make sure you dress appropriately, show up on time (or a few minutes early), and bring extra copies of your resume and supporting documents.
  • During phone interviews, stand up while you speak. It helps you articulate more clearly and keeps you on message.
  • Quite a few hiring managers are now conducting video interviews. If you have one of these, make sure your equipment, lighting, and sound are functioning properly. Do a test run with a friend to be sure you don’t have any hiccups during the interview.
  • Sometimes department heads are more willing to spend an hour with a group than an hour per candidate. If you end up in a group interview, really pay attention to what candidates say and build on their responses to stand out in the crowd.

Read Your Interviewer
Even if you’ve prepared for a standard interview, you still aren’t sure what your interviewer will be like. Will he or she be tough? Give you trick questions? Be a stickler for details?

During your career, you will encounter different types of interviewers. Because every situation is different, it’s important to be able to read each person.

Following are four examples.

The Intimidator
This interviewer is going to be tough on you. He or she will expect to prove your qualifications for the job. Maintain your composure and offer proven stories to show why you’re the right candidate for the position.

The Clueless Boss
This interviewer may not have known he or she would be interviewing candidates, let alone meeting with you on a given day. Show them your expertise and professionalism, give complete answers about your background, education, and training, and work in your strengths.

The Nice Guy
This interviewer is relatable, listens, and makes you feel welcome. It can be a relief to encounter this type of interviewer, but make sure you keep the conversation on track. If it becomes too social, guide it back to a conversation about the position and how you are the best person for the job.

The Detail-Oriented Boss
This interviewer tries to stick close to the preexisting interview script as possible. They like to stick to plans, and are more interested in numbers, attribution, and the bottom line. Show you can fit in by using specifics to explain your successes. Bring any materials that will be relevant to the job to show how you’ve handled projects on your own, you take initiative, and are a problem-solver.

No matter what type of interview or interviewer you meet, the key to succeed is to be prepared, show up early, and be confident in your skills.

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