By Brilliant® | July 25, 2022

It’s wild that we have to discuss ghosting in a professional setting, but this is 2022, and the world is acting differently in all sorts of ways.

Ghosting is the practice of cutting off all ties, communication and contact with another person for no apparent reason. While this term originated within the dating scene, it has bled over to the corporate world. Leaders, recruiters and human resources professionals of all industries are finding this act to become more and more common.

How did we get to this point? Given our current world of quick-to-the-point communication methods with text and chat, it’s no surprise that we are experiencing a disengaged community—one where it’s even possible to think it’s appropriate to ghost a colleague or peer.

Are there ways we can minimize ghosting among job seekers?

At Brilliant, we think there are ways to improve the outcome. Have a good strategy and make building your relationship a priority. Here are a few ways to help Minimize Ghosting from Candidates: Part 1 below.

  1. Form a bond right from the beginning.
    Whether you’re a finance leader looking for financial analysts or an AP Manager looking for a bookkeeper, building rapport with the individuals you talk to throughout the hiring process is essential for closing the loop and accepting an offer. Many firms engage recruiters to help with their hiring or consulting needs, and it’s up to everyone to make the interview process as efficient as possible.
  1. Pick up the pace.
    Fastrack the interview process to a few days if possible. The faster the process goes, the better. Nowadays, people are moving at lightning speed, which doesn’t escape the hiring process. If your interviewing stage takes weeks—or worse, months—chances are your candidate will find another opportunity, especially in today’s market. That’s why it’s imperative to move efficiently and quickly to lessen your candidate’s chances of going off the radar.
  1. Communicate honestly and often.
    Execute a steady flow of communication to the candidate. Whether you’re the hiring manager, the recruiter or the HR pro, it may make it more difficult for that person to abruptly stop all communication with you. Be upfront about the timing, process and expectations, so there are no questions about where they are in the interviewing stage. If a professional is in the know every step of the way, it will deter them from losing interest.
  1. Ask questions.
    An essential aspect of communication is asking questions. Ask a candidate how many places they are actively interviewing. Ask about their level of interest in your open role or project. Ask about what they expect to gain from the job experience. Ask what questions they may have. Having all this information on hand will keep you as updated as possible so that it’s not a complete surprise if they walk away or—ghost you.

What are some other ways to prevent or limit candidates from ghosting? Sound off in the comment section below.

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