By Brilliant® | September 17, 2018

One of the four fatal fears that humans face is the fear of rejection. Whether that pertains to a relationship, a business opportunity or even a job interview, this is something that almost everyone struggles with accepting. You can endure rejection in any profession – and when you’re in demand as much as accounting and finance professionals are right now, you’re likely to rebound quickly.

Still, as the labor market continues to remain strong, it’s important to remember that rejection is inevitable, no matter your skillset. So, it’s best to have some guidance.

In accounting and finance opportunities, specifically, there are often numerous interviews and screenings that need to happen throughout the hiring process – as several candidates are vying for the same role.

So, how do you manage if you’re not the individual selected for the role?

I recently came across a unique article by the Muse that highlights important ways to overcome rejection in a job interview. I believe learning how to handle this type of news is important. But, what I find even more prevalent is learning how to stay GRITTY in your job search and having the utmost resilience throughout any rejection or failure.

Learn the 4 Ways to Stay Gritty After a Job Interview Rejection below!

1. Think Professionally, Not Personally.
It’s easy to take personal offense after not landing a job you interviewed for, especially when you believe you put in the effort and truly connected with the hiring manager. But sometimes, your skillset and experience just don’t align with the job. It’s possible that you fit the company culture, but you may lack a technical skill or specific experience that’s necessary for the role.

Instead of placing blame on yourself, try to hold yourself accountable to gaining some kind of value or knowledge from the interview.

2. Don’t Overthink.
Often times, a job seeker can get so excited about an interview that they believe this is the only job for them – solidifying a deep feeling of rejection. The truth is, whether you realize it or not, that role may not have been as fitting for you as you thought. It’s important to understand that there are various opportunities out there that you can thrive in – and it’s time to go find them!

3. Keep in Touch.
The most important time to utilize your resilience is when your ego has taken a hit. Instead of erasing the painful memory, face the failure and find out the reasons for this outcome. Follow up with the interviewers and ask for additional feedback on your interview, so that you can keep in mind for future interviews. This also proves to hiring managers that you value constructive feedback, are eager to learn from your mistakes and are dedicated to enhancing your professional self.

Use this as a head-start to networking with these professionals and staying connected for possible opportunities in the future!

4. Stay Calm, Collected and Driven.
It’s common to feel frustrated when you face rejection – everyone does – but there’s a light of opportunity at the end of the tunnel! If you channel the negative energy into positivity and GRIT, you can get bounce back and continue your job search. Believe it or not, many individuals gain a more clear vision of their journey after facing rejection or failure.

Once you’ve calmed down from failing to land a job, begin reflecting on your overall purpose and then continue on your pursuit of success to find the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

What are some other tips for staying gritty after facing rejection? Let us know in the comments below!

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